Our Vision & Mission

Gilding and aging are very ancient techniques, and in addition to the belief that it was first practiced in ancient Egypt, according to some other historians researches that the process first originated in Anatolia, the land of civilizations, more than 8,000 years ago and was then widely used by the ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, and eventually early Europeans.

Under the guidance of our father and uncle, who are real masters of gilding, we want to contribute to the export and promotion of our country by advancing towards our achievable goal, which we dream of, in order to ensure that our exquisitely gilded products with quality handcrafts find a place in international markets, and also to create business volume for the valuable gilding masters and craftsmen in our country.

Therefore, our unchanging motto is “The secret of success is honesty and sacrifice.” Because that is what we have learned from our masters, and what we will teach our children.

Gallery Honeywinter is open 24/7 on Etsy!

Since the end of 2019, the Covid-19 Pandemic has begun to change the entire planet. Our world is currently changing, re-shaping, and evolving itself at an enormous pace that moreover increases day by day. The digital evolution will continue to develop even more in the following years, and it will definitely dominate the globe in the near future. Our mores and habits are changing, too. We speak, talk, meet, and communicate much more through the internet in comparison to yesterday, therefore buy and sell via it as the same. That is exactly why we founded Gallery Honeywinter: To improve ourselves as much as we can in accordance with the requirements of the present day, and the future too.