We are proud to carry out the high-quality production for your custom-designed furniture in every model and custom-made household goods in line with your personal preferences and requirements in our workshops, using both traditional and modern techniques of detailed and meticulous handcrafted gilding art and workmanship.
In order for us to deliver your orders asap with the best quality and the most affordable prices, you can place your orders by contacting us directly, or via our Gallery Honeywinter Etsy store: GalleryHoneyWinter|Etsy
You can also request a project-based special price offer from us for the production and gilding of your custom design products: A written and detailed quotation containing the product(s) information, quantities, production/delivery/payment terms, and times so that we can provide you with our project-based price offers for your requirements and preferred delivery method (DAT, Door to Door, DDU, CIF Your City, etc.). We can prepare a quotation and/or contract and send it to you, or we can continue with your existing contract/agreement template.